Amanda Cook

Never See The End

Amanda Cook

ukulele Advanced advanced


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Never See The End

Written by Amanda Cook/Jason Ingram/Paul Mabury

verse 1 

D#m           F#            B         G#m 
   Beyond the end and the beginning 
D#m         F#               B         G#m 
   You have been and You will be 
D#m      F#               B         G#m 
  Who in all the world is like You 
D#m          F#                B         G#m 
   Still Iâ??m not beyond your reach 

verse 2 

         D#m       F#           B         G#m 
You are, faultless in Your very nature 
D#m            F#               B         G#m 
  Yet you understand the human mind 
D#m         F#          B         G#m 
   Faithful even when I wander 
D#m         F#              B         G#m 
   You are patient, You are kind 

D#m How deep B How wide F# C# How high is Your love for me D#m I can never see the end (x2)
verse 3 D#m F# B G#m Where can I go from Your Presence D#m F# B G#m Your love surrounds me on all sides D#m F# B G#m Free from shame there is no hiding D#m F# B G#m I am Yours and You are mine Instrumental F#
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