Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

Lickered Up And Lonely

Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Lickered Up And Lonely

	  		Intro: G D Dsus D 

D                         G                  D     Dsus D 
I'm lickered up and lonely on another friday night 
     G                                        D     Dsus D 
Wish i had the ambition to go out and start a fight 
    A                                   G 
But i ain't only lonely i'm mighty lazy too 
        D                      A                                D   Dsus D 
So i'll drink untill i pass out then i'll dream all night 'bout you 

D                         G                             D    Dsus D 
I wonder what you're doing Christ it's been more than a year 
        G                                           D    Dsus D 
I might make it 'till tommorow if i dont run out of beer 
         A                                         G 
I've got 7 special wishes but just 6 bullets in my gun 
             D                        A               D   Dsus D 
Yeah there's 7 that i know of you said i was the only one 

D                              G                     D     Dsus D 
I don't think you have to worry too much if it is required 
      G                                     D   Dsus D 
And i ain't in no big hurry situation isn't dire 
         A                                     G 
They say revenge is a plate that's best served cold 
        D                                  A                D    Dsus D 
Still i guess you all should better hope i die before i get old 

D                               G                       D    Dsus D 
I've been weighin out my options but my scale is out of whack 
              G                                           D    Dsus D 
And i've been colouring my pictures but my only crayon is black 
        A                                           G 
And the whisky it ain't working it don't suit me anymore 
         D                 A                          D   Dsus D 
Hope you got a good umbrela 'cause i think it's gonna pour 

D                                      G                   D   Dsus D 
That little house that we were planning was it lavander or blue 
          G                                                       D   Dsus D 
And those babbies that we talked about was there one or was there two 
  A                                                G 
I guess it makes no difference we'll let history decide 
       D                   A                     D   Dsus D 
Lately i'm so goddamn tired but my eyes are open wide 

D                         G                D   Dsus D 
I'm lickered up and lonely on another saturday 
          G                                              D  Dsus D 
I've been lickered up and lonely since the day you went away 
    A                                            G 
You know my threats are empty i'm a coward not a man 
           D                     A                    D    Dsus D 
And when i finally wake up sunday i'll be lickered up again 
    A                                                 G 
You know my threats are empty i'm just a coward not a man 
       D                     A                     D   Dsus D 
When i finally wake up sunday i'll be lickered up again 
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