Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

Life Love Death And The Meter Man

Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Life Love Death And The Meter Man

Written by Angry Johnny


He was holding the McCulloch 
When he knocked upon her door 
              G               D           G 
Yesterday she said she didn’t love him anymore 

But it wasn’t her who answered 
It was some guy he didn’t know 
So he fired up that chainsaw  
       D                G 
and he laid that sucker low 
      C             G   
So he fired up that chainsaw  
       D                G 
and he laid that sucker low 

But when he saw the clipboard lying 
in the severed hand 
                 G                   D 
He realized that he just limbed from limbed 
the meter man 

Heard the sirens coming, and he sat 
down on the steps 
               G              D         G 
Shut off his McCulloch and he lit a cigarette 
C              G              D         G 
Shut off his McCulloch and he lit a cigarette 

The verdict, it was guilty and they said 
"you’re gonna fry" 
   G              D 
He didn’t see her in the back row, 
C               G 
didn’t hear her cry 

All that he could see was the terrified 
face of the meter man 
                   G                D 
The moment that he sent him packing to the 
promised land 
C                  G                D 
The moment that he sent him packing to the 
promised land 

They led him down the hallway, 
and the priest said him a prayer 
He wasn’t none too happy, 
       D                  G 
but he knew that fair was fair 

Still he’d like to thank the meter man, 
    C             G 
for coming to the door 
Otherwise his true love would be 
      C                G 
lying scattered on the floor 
     G                  D 
Otherwise his true love would be 
      C                G 
lying scattered on the floor 
And as for her, she never loved again, 
no not one time 
And though she broke his heart 
            D               G 
and led him to this ghastly crime 

She prayed each day they’d be 
         C            G 
together on the other side 
                         C                  D 
And she cried herself to sleep each night until the 
day she died 
                         C                  D 
She cried herself to sleep each night until the 
day she died 
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