Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

My Time Is Coming

Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

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My Time Is Coming

Written by Angry Johnny & The Killbillies

              Am            C 
My death will not come as a shock 
   G          F 
to anyone who knows me 
               Am          C 
My life passed by without event 
           G             Am 
like I was never here at all 
G          Am                C 
Most of my life I have spent drunk 
       G              F 
saw no point in being sober 
           Am            C 
Most of it I have spent alone 
         G                 Am 
now mercifully it's almost done 
G           Am             C 
It won't be long I will be gone 
        G               F 
finally rest this tired mind 
            Am             C 
It won't be long I will be gone 
        G              Am 
Finally leave it all behind 
G          Am 
My time is coming 

Am C G F 
Am C G Am 
G Am 

           Am                C 
Burn me to ash and spread me on 
          G                    F 
the murky waters of the Manhan river 
           Am               C 
and I will flow out of this town 
           G                Am 
that never had much use for me 
G              Am               C 
There'll be no need, then to forget 
                  G              F 
someone that they never did remember 
             Am              C 
Just let the river take this tired 
           G               Am 
drunkard's soul and set it free 
G           Am             C 
It won't be long I will be gone 
        G               F 
finally rest this tired mind 
            Am             C 
It won't be long I will be gone 
        G              Am 
Finally leave it all behind 
G          Am 
My time is coming 

G           Am          C 
My life has had no consequence 
          G           F 
never had anything to offer 
               Am                 C 
Though I tried hard, hard to make sense 
             G                Am 
but life, it made no sense to me 
G             Am            C 
My death will not come as a shock 
   G          F 
to anyone who knows me 
               Am          C 
My life passed by without event 
           G             Am 
like I was never here at all 
G          Am         C 
My time is coming 
           G          F 
My time is coming 
            Am        C 
It won't be long 
G   Am 
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