Anna Nalick

Walk Away

Anna Nalick

ukulele Easy easy


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Walk Away

	  		G5      D/G     D4/G      D/G 
Is that the way you like it? 
    G5      D/G     D4/G      D/G 
is that the way you like it? 

And you believe  
A picture takes  
A little piece of you away 

    G5      D/G     D4/G      D/G 
Is that the way you like it? 
    G5      D/G     D4/G      D/G 
is that the way you like it? 


Em            D/F# 
   Beware and oh, be careful 
G             A 
   It's only skin and therefore 
Em            D/F# 
   So breakable, but take heart 
        G        A               A7 
   It's   only a part of who you are 

                 D              A 
Don't you wonder why everybody cries 
               G          D/F#       A 
Every time you walk away, walk away, walk away 
                   D                   A 
Don't you know the sun rises when you come 
                 G          D/F#       A 
Follows when you walk away, walk away, walk away 
          G          D/F#       A 
Don't you walk away, walk away, walk away 

(Repete Intro) 

(Verso 2) 
You believe  
That you've been crowned 
With your own foreign thunder cloud 

    G5      D/G     D4/G      D/G 
Is that the way you like it? 
    G5      D/G     D4/G      D/G 
is that the way you like it? 

But you don't need  
Remote control  
To tell you that you're beautiful 

    G5      D/G     D4/G      D/G 
But that the way you like it? 
    G5      D/G     D4/G      D/G 
is that the way you like it? 

(Repete Pré-Refrão e Refrão) 

(Pós Segundo Refrão) 

Em                G 
   Didn't anybody tell you 
             D                  A 
   You don't have to, you don't have to jump 
Em                   G 
   Only do it if you like it 
                D                 A 
   If you don't like it you don't have to jump 
Em                         G                     D             A 
   Just remember what it's like when you walk away 
Em                       G                      D 
   Just remember that we cry when you walk away 

(Pré-Refrão e Refrão final) 
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