Anne Murray

Somebodys Always Saying Goodbye

Anne Murray

ukulele Easy easy


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Somebodys Always Saying Goodbye

Written by Bob McDill

G                G7              C                      Am  
Railroad station midnight trains lonely airports in the rain  

    G                                         D7  
And somebody stands there with tears in their eyes  

G                       G7  
It's the same old scene time after time  

C                       Am          G                 D7         G  
That's the trouble with all mankind somebody's always saying goodbye   

          G7                 C                    Am  
Taxi cabs leave in the night greyhound buses with red tail lights  
G                                    D7  
Someone's leaving and someone's left behind   

G                     G7  
Well I don't know how things got that way   

C               Am                  G                 D7         G    G7  
But every place you look these days somebody's always saying goodbye  

Take two people like me and you  
We could have made it we just quit too soon   

Em                        G               C            D7  
Oh the two of us we could have had it all if we'd only tried  
G                  G7  
But that's the way love is it seems   

C                    Am                G                 D7         G  C  
Just when you've got a real good thing somebody's always saying goodbye  

G                 D7         G  
Somebody's always saying goodbye  

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