Asylum Street Spankers


Asylum Street Spankers

ukulele Easy easy


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Intro: C  E7  Am  F  G (2x)  

C           E7             
I am so impressed with you and 
Am           F         G 
 every little thing you do 
is incredible 
E7                  Am             F  G 
  but you must get awfully lonely 
C                     E7 
fighting crime's too much for just one 
Am                 F      G 
 seems the work is never done 
C              E7       Am  
and every hero  needs a sidekick 
F       G 
I could be it 

C               E7                 Am 
all you'd have to do is snap your fingers 
F         G           C 
you just flash your beacon 
                 E7              Am 
and I will come running to your side 
F      G        C      E7   Am   F  G 
see I can be usefu-u-u-u-u-u-l  

C  E7  Am  F  G 

C               E7 
I could help you catch the villain 
Am               F       G 
 You're my hero and I'm willing 
To learn from you 
E7                    Am 
There's so much that you could show me 
       F             G 
(Ooh, what could you show me?) 
C                   E7 
Why don't you just think about it?  
Am                 F         G 
We could have cool matching outfits 
(Oooh, we could save the planet) 
C             E7            Am 
And a secret best friends handshake 
F       G 
It'd be so great and 

C               E7                 Am 
all you'd have to do is snap your fingers 
F         G           C 
you just flash your beacon 
                 E7              Am 
and I will come running to your side 
F      G        C      E7   Am   
see I can be usefu-u-u-u-u-u-l  
(just snap your fingers) 
F         G           C 
you just flash your beacon 
                 E7              Am 
and I will come running to your side 
(to see what I can do) 
   F        G        E7 
to see what I can do 

I may be small but I'm real 
F                          G 
Fast and strong and oh so clever 
                               (what I can do) 
E7            Am             F          G 
The kind you need to have around 
                               (what I can do) 
E7        Am            F 
I may be young and inexperienced 
But I have talents 
          (what I can do) 
E7         Am                 F     G 
And what I don't know I can learn  

C  E  Am  F  G x 2 
C             E7          
Speaking hypothetically if 
Am             F        G 
I were you and you were me  
         C           E7 
I would clearly see 
We could be a super duo  
F       G 
And you know that 

C               E7                 Am 
all you'd have to do is snap your fingers 
F         G           C 
you just flash your beacon 
                 E7              Am 
and I will come running to your side 
F      G        C      E7   Am   
see I can be usefu-u-u-u-u-u-l  
             (just snap your fingers) 
F         G           C 
You just flash your beacon 
                 E7              Am 
And I will come running to your side 
   F        G      C 
To see what I can do  
C               E7               Am 
All you have to do is snap your fingers 
          F         G      C 
You just flash your super beacon  
                 E7              Am 
And I will come running to your side 
     F     G      C 
You see I can be useful 
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