
Kill The Pain Away


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Kill The Pain Away

Written by Tobias Sammet

C  Dm  Bb 
(repeat 4 times) 

Verse 1:

C Dm Bb I've been out on the waves, still far from home C Dm Bb Tried to affiliate, kept on sailing all alone Bb C A Dm C I'd give the best of me but all redemption I can see is a shadow Dm Bb In the mist of a reverie

Verse 2:

C Dm Bb Never afraid, or so we think as we pace the unknown dark C Dm Bb We'd navigate by the whispering wind and the beat of a heart Bb C A Dm And vows would never ever break as if we'd ever know C Dm Bb What never ever looks like from up close


Am Dm Bb Worlds imposed and we try to act upon Gm C Oh what have we become
Fm Ab Db Eb Nobody there to kill the pain away Bb Ab Eb/G Assay to slither from the pouring rain Fm Eb You never know it as you hit the trail Fm Db Ab Eb All in vain? Fm Db Ab Eb All in vain?
Post-Chorus (just like the intro) C Dm Bb (repeat 2 times)

Verse 3:

C Dm Bb Oh sometimes I wish all mentation would disappear C Dm Bb Feelings would fade and so would this blazing fear Bb C A Dm Like a grain dancing in the wind without steady place C Dm Bb Defer arrival till another day


Am Dm Bb Worlds imposed and we try to act upon Gm C To wonder what we become
Fm Ab Db Eb Nobody there to kill the pain away Bb Ab Eb/G Assay to slither from the pouring rain Fm Eb You never know it as you hit the trail Fm Db Ab Eb All in vain? Fm Db Ab Eb All in vain?
Solo Dm C Bb (repeat 2 times)

Verse 4:

C Dm Bb I was gonna hope to choke the fire C Dm Bb I was gonna face up and let go C Dm Bb Oh, I was gonna ally with the golden guising C Dm Bb C And by the light of dawn I'd put my brave face on
Fm Ab Db Eb Nobody there to kill the pain away Bb Ab Eb/G Assay to slither from the pouring rain Fm Eb You never know it as you hit the trail Fm Db Ab Eb All in vain? Fm Db Ab Eb All in vain?
Fm Db Ab Eb
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