Ben Fuller

Ring Them Bells

Ben Fuller

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Ring Them Bells

	  		Intro: Bbm  Ebm/Bb  Bbm  F/Bb 

Verse 1:

Bbm Hark how the bells sweet silver bells Ebm/Bb All seem to say Bbm Christmas is here bringing good cheer Fsus4 filling the air


Bbm Gather round, far and wide Ab/Bb Every nation tongue and tribe Eb/Bb Hear the call and lift your eyes Ebm/Bb I Hear'em ring'n, Hear'em Ring'n
Db Ebm Bbm Glory, Glory in the highest Gb Db Ebm Bbm Make way for the Messiah, The King has arrived Gb Db Ebm Bbm So fear not, the bells ring out the story Gb Db Ebm Bbm that Jesus is restoring, the dead back to life
Bbm Ohh ring them bells Ebm/Bb Ohh ring them bells Bbm Ohh, ring them bells F/Bb Ohh, ring them bells

Verse 2:

Bbm Oh how they pound, raising the sound Ebm telling their tale Bbm While people sing songs of good cheer Fsus4 Christmas is here


Bbm Gather round, far and wide Ab/Bb Every nation tongue and tribe Eb/Bb Hear the call and lift your eyes Ebm/Bb I Hear'em ring'n, Hear'em Ring'n
Db Ebm Bbm Glory, Glory in the highest Gb Db Ebm Bbm Make way for the Messiah, The King has arrived Gb Db Ebm Bbm So fear not, the bells ring out the story Gb Db Ebm Bbm that Jesus is restoring the dead back to life


Bbm Ohh ring them bells Ebm/Bb Ohh ring them bells Bbm Ohh, ring them bells F/Bb Ohh, ring them bells


Bbm I hear Archangels rock'n Jerusalem Ab/Bb I hear archangels ring'n them bells Eb/Bb I hear Archangels rock'n Jerusalem Ebm/Bb Bbm I hear archangels ring'n them bells Bbm Ab/Bb O Mary, O Martha, O Mary Ring them bells Eb/Bb Ebm/Bb O Mary, O Martha, O Mary Ring them bells
Db Gb/Db Bbm Glory, Glory in the highest Gb/Bb Db/F Ebm Bbm Make way for the Messiah, The King has arrived Db Ebm Bbm So fear not, the bells ring out the story Gb Db Ebm Bbm that Jesus is restoring the dead back to life


Bbm Ohh ring them bells Ebm/Bb Ohh ring them bells Bbm Ohh, ring them bells F/Bb Ohh, I hear them ring'n Bbm Ohh ring them bells Ebm/Bb Ohh ring them bells Bbm Ohh, ring them bells F/Bb Ohh, I hear them ring'n
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