Bethel Music

Our Thirst And Hunger

Bethel Music

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Our Thirst And Hunger

Capo on 3rd fret

Intro:  G C G C G 

G          C            G 
You say to us seek Your face  
               C               Em      C   
Our hearts reply, Your face we seek  
G             C                 G 
Come teach us Lord, reveal Your ways  
          C               Em           C 
Anoint us for the greater things  
G                     C                   G 
We have gathered with one thirst and hunger  
G                      C               Em 
We're here to drink of glory and wonder  
Here to cry out  
C                       Em   C 
Come and fill this place  
C                   Em 
Come and fill this place  
G          C                   G  
Our single wish, our sole desire  
        C                Em     C    G 
To gaze upon Your beauty God  
G           C                G 
We will not rest nor will we cease  
G             C                  Em   C   G 
Till with our eyes, Your face we see  
G                     C                     G 
We have gathered with one thirst and hunger  
G                      C               Em 
We're here to drink of glory and wonder  
Here to cry out  
C                    Em    
Come and fill this place  
This place 

Come and fill this place  
Oh this place  

   G               D/F#               Em             C 
We wait for you to come and show your glory here today.  
            G D/F#                Em  C 
We wait for you! God, we wait for you!  

G        D/F# 
Alleluia come! 
Em       C      
Alleluia come! 

G                  D/F#               Em             C 

   G               D/F#               Em             C  
We wait for You to come and show your glory here today! 
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