Billy Eckstine

The More I See You

Billy Eckstine

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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The More I See You

Written by Mack Gordon and Harry Warren

Introdução: D7/9 G7M Gm6 F#m7 B7/9- Em7/9 A7/13 D G7 D A7 

                   D  A7   D       B7    Em7 A4/7 A7 
The more I see you,    the more I want you  
   Em7  A7   D   A7  D        B7        Em7   A4/7 A7 
Somehow this feeling    just grows and grows. 
      Em7   Dm        F        F7   Bb           Gm7 
With every sigh, I become more mad about you, 
      A7     Dm           E7/9    Em7   A4/7 A7 
More lost without you, and so it goes 
    Em7 A7   D    A7   D      B7     Em7 A4/7 A7 
Can you imagine     how much I love you 
    Em7  A7 D  A7  D     A7      Am7   D7 
The more I see you   as years go by 
  D7/F#     G           Gm          D  DM7  B7 
I know the only one for me can only be you 
    E7         D   Bm7  Em7    Gdim   A7   D   Gdim Em7 A7 
My arms won´t free you,     my heart won´t try 
Interlude: D A7 D B7 Em7 A4/7 A7 Em7 A7 D A7 D A7 Am7 D7 
  D7/F#    G            Gm          D  D7M   B7 
I know the only one for me can only be you 
   E7          D   Bm7  Em7   Gdim   A7    D   Bm7 G/B A7 D6 
My arms won´t free you,    my heart won´t try 
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