Black Clint

I'll Be Gone

Black Clint


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I'll Be Gone

Intro: C Em  C 

           C                                                F 
Since before I learned to walk, I've been running 
                    C                                           G 
And I could always see the light before the dawn 
            C                                                  F 
Somewhere someone won't even see me coming 
          C                       G                C 
And before the see me going, I'll be gone 
           C                                                F 
Now you've got questions I don't care to answer 
           C                                        G 
And I don't get off on leading people on 
      C                                          F 
It's safe to say I'm no second chancer 
                 C                G                             C 
And the chances are I don't know right from wrong 
F You could never change my mind C And I won't change my ways G And from the start the lines have all been drawn F That I'll just leave you behind C F Forgetting all my yesterdays C G I said before you see me going C I'll be gone
repeat chorus:
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