Black Clint

State Of Mind

Black Clint


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State Of Mind

	  		 From the album:  "No Time To Kill,"  (BMG Music, 1993) 
Written by Clint Black   (ASCAP, 1993) 
NOTES:   Each letter in the intro and the two verses (ie. the indented 
portions) represents 1 measure (4 beats).  Each letter in the chorus/bridge 
represents only half a measure (2 beats).  On the CD there is a long 
harmonica intro and fiddle outro which are not transcribed. 
INTRO:      D    A     G     A 
            D                          A 
            Got a big leather suitcase, all I own's inside. 
            G                            G 
            Seems I been walkin' for days, can't even bum a ride. 
            D                      A 
            Try steppin' to a tune, with the rhythm of a walking man; 
            G                               G 
            Mind drifts like a big balloon, out of my situation at hand. 
D                    A      G                 A 
Ain't it funny how a melody, can bring back a memory? 
D                   A             G           A                    D     A 
G   A 
Take you to another place in time, completely change your state of mind. 
            D                             A 
            Walkin' down a lonely highway, not feelin' alone; 
            G                                    G 
            Thinkin' back when things went my way, and not the road I'm on. 
            D                                  A 
            Well, I've been down a time or two, but it never lasts long; 
            G                            G 
            I can always make it through, on a wing and a prayer and a song. 
D                    A      G                 A 
Ain't it funny how a melody, can bring back a memory? 
D                   A             G           A                    D    D{stop} 
Take you to another place in time, completely change your state of mind. 
D             A                  G                A 
It can make a right from a wrong, it can make you fall in love. 
D              A                        G                        A 
It can get you singin' along, chase the clouds away and make the sun shine 
 D        A      G                 A 
above.  A melody, can bring back a memory. 
D                   A             G           A 
Take you to another place in time, completely change your state of 
D        A      G                 A 
mind.  A melody, can bring back a memory. 
D                   A             G           A                    D 
Take you to another place in time, completely change your state of mind. 
                               Transcribed and submitted by 
                               Darragh Egan  

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