
That's Just About Right


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That's Just About Right

Year: 2007 - Album: Super Hits

Written by Jeff Black


Intro: C  Dm  Bb  F  C  Dm  Bb  F 

C      Dm      Bb             F 
My old friend lives up in the mountains 
C       Dm          Bb        F 
He flew up there to paint the world 
C              Dm            Bb                F 
He says, "Even though interpretation's what I count on 
C           Dm         Bb        F    
This little picture to me seems blurred 
Am                  Bb 
Hard lines and the shadows come easy 
F                    C 
I see it all just as clear as a bell 
Am                          Bb 
I just can't seem to set my easel to please me 
F          Bb             C 
I paint my Heaven but it looks like hell" 


     Bb            C           F 
Your blue might be gray, your less might be more 
     Bb            C                   F 
Your window to the world might be your own front door 
     Bb       C                     F             Bb  Bb5  Bb                
Your shiniest day might come in the middle of the night 
That's just about right 

C  Dm  Bb  F  C  Dm  Bb  F 

           C                  Dm           Bb         F 
He says, "Man I ain't comin' down until my picture is pefect 
C           Dm         Bb          F 
And all the wonder is gone from my eyes 
C               Dm        Bb        F 
Down through my hands and on to the canvas 
C             Dm          Bb          F 
Still like my vision, but still a surprise" 
Am                            Bb 
"Real life," he says, "is the hardest impression 
F                       C 
It's always movin' so I let it come through" 
Am                                 Bb 
And that. my friend, I say, is the glory of true independence 
         F                      C 
Just to do what you do what you do what you do  


     Bb            C           F 
Your blue might be gray, your less might be more 
     Bb            C                   F 
Your window to the world might be your own front door 
     Bb       C                     F             Bb  Bb5  Bb                
Your shiniest day might come in the middle of the night 
That's just about right 

C      Dm      Bb                F 
My old friend came down from the mountain 
C            Dm         Bb             F 
Without even lookin' he found a little truth 
Am                               Bb 
You can go through life with the greatest intentions 
        F                       C 
But you do what you do what you just gotta do 


     Bb            C           F 
Your blue might be gray, your less might be more 
     Bb            C                   F 
Your window to the world might be your own front door 
     Bb       C                     F             Bb  Bb5  Bb                
Your shiniest day might come in the middle of the night 
That's just about right 

C  Dm  Bb  F  C  Dm  Bb  F 
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