Bon Iver


Bon Iver

ukulele Easy easy


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Written by Justin Vernon


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C C Am G e--|------3---0-|-------3---0-|-------3-------3---0-| B--|--1-----3---|---1-----3---|---1-------1-----3---| G--|0---0-------|-0---0-------|-2---2---0---0-------| D--|------------|-------------|---------------------| A--|3-----------|-3-----------|-0-------------------| E--|------------|-------------|---------3-----------| G G G Am e-|-------3---0-|-------3---0-|------3---0-|-------3---0-| B-|---1-----3---|---1-----3---|--1-----3---|---1-----3---| G-|-0---0-------|-0---0-------|0---0-------|-2---2-------| D-|-------------|-------------|------------|-------------| A-|-------------|-------------|------------|-0-----------| E-|-3-----------|-3-----------|3-----------|-------------| F F F F e-|-------3---0-|-------3---0-|-------3---0-|-------3---0-| B-|---1-----3---|---1-----3---|---1-----3---|---1-----3---| G-|-2---2-------|-2---2-------|-2---2-------|-2---2-------| D-|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------| x2 A-|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------| E-|-1-----------|-1-----------|-1-----------|-1-----------|
C C Am G Someway, baby, it's part of me, apart from me. Am F you're laying waste to Halloween C Am G you fucked it friend, it's on it's head, it struck the street Am F you're in Milwaukee, off your feet
F Am G and at once I knew I was not magnificent F Am G strayed above the highway aisle F Am C G jagged vacance, thick with ice Am F G C I could see for miles, miles, miles
C Am G 3rd and Lake it burnt away, the hallway Am F was where we learned to celebrate C Am G automatic bought the years you'd talk for me Am F that night you played me ?Lip Parade? C Am G not the needle, nor the thread, the lost decree Am F saying nothing, that's enough for me
F Am G And at once I knew I was not magnificent F Am G hulled far from the highway aisle F Am C G jagged, vacance, thick with ice Am F G C I could see for miles, miles, miles
C Am G Christmas night, it clutched the light, the hallow bright C G above my brother, I and tangled spines Am G we smoked the screen to make it what it was to be Am F now to know it in my memory:
F Am G And at once I knew I was not magnificent F Am G high above the highway aisle F Am C G jagged vacance, thick with ice Am F G C I could see for miles, miles, miles
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