Brandi Carlile

What Can I Say

Brandi Carlile

ukulele Intermediate intermediate

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What Can I Say

Capo on 2nd fret
G                      C                   F 
Look to the clock on the wall  
F                         C             G  
Hands hardly moving at all 
 G                            C                 F 
I can't stand the state that I'm in  
 F                                C              G              Am  
Sometimes it feels like the wall's closing in 

F C G Am Oh Lord what can I say F C G Am I'm so sad since you went away F C G Am Time time tickin' on me F C G Am Alone is the last place I wanted to be F G C Csus Lord what can I say
VERSE 2: ========= G C F Try and burn my troubles away G C F Drown my sorrow the same way G C F It seems no matter how hard I try F C G Am It feels like there's something just missing inside
F C G Am Oh Lord what can I say F C G Am I'm so sad since you went away F C G Am Time time tickin' on me F C G Am Alone is the last place I wanted to be F G C CSus Lord what can I say F G C CSus Lord what can I say
VERSE 3: ========= G C F How many rules can I break F C G How many lies can I make G C F How many roads must I turn F C G Am To find me a place where the bridge hasn't burned
F C G Am Oh Lord what can I say F C G Am I'm so sad since you went away F C G Am Time time tickin' on me F C G Am Alone is the last place I wanted to be F C G Am Oh Lord what can I say F C G Am I'm so sad since you went away F C G Am Time time tickin' on me F C G Am Alone is the last place I wanted to be
ENDING: ========= F G C Csus Lord what can I say F G C Csus Lord what can I say
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