Brandon Rhyder

Freeze Frame Time

Brandon Rhyder

ukulele Beginner beginner

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Freeze Frame Time

Year: 2007 - Album: Conviction

Written by Brandon Rhyder

Capo on 3rd fret
	  		Get this song and others from Conviction at: 
                 G                       Cadd9 
It's a beautiful morning, to see the sun rise 
     Am           G/B               Cadd9        D            G 
It's moments like this that make me wish I could freeze frame time 
                   G                                 Cadd9 
I got a hot cup of cofee, gonna watch the world come alive 
Am            G/B               Cadd9          D        G        G/F# 
Surrounded by nature likens the innocence of a new born child 
    Em       Cadd9 Em                Cadd9        
Sometimes we laugh, and sometimes we cry  
Am                     Cadd9           D           Dsus4    D 
Some days it's hard to figure out, our way in this life 
         Am           G/B               Cadd9 
But it's moments like this that make me wish 
        D            G 
I could freeze frame time 
I got a picture in my pocket, of my baby boy 
He's growing up so fast I swear he thinks he can conquer the world 
Just yesterday evening, he come running up to me 
He said he made his mama mad and she said he was just like me 
And I laughed until I cried, all swallowed up with pride 
You should have seen the concern in that little boy's eyes 
Yes it's moments like this that make me wish 
I could freeze frame time 
You are an angel, you tought me how to fly 
You picked me up when I was down turned me around and made me fly high 
We're a little bit older now, together we've seen some change 
But I love you more now than I did on that very first day 
Sometimes we laugh, and sometimes we cry 
Some days it's hard to figure out, our way in this life 
But it's moments like this that make me wish 
Yes it's moments like this that make me wish 
Yes it's moments like this that make me wish 
I could freeze frame time 
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