Brett Dennen

It Could Make You Cry

Brett Dennen

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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It Could Make You Cry

Capo on 6th fret

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Tuning:Standard Strumming Pattern C Am G e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|----------1-----------------1----------------------0-----------------------| G|-------------0-----------------0-------------------------0-----------------| D|------2----------------2-----------------------0---------------------------| A|--3----------------0-------------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------3---------------------------------| Play this pattern throughout the whole song
Intro: C Am G C (4x) verse 1 C Am F C Em F G Snowflakes falling on an old plantation Buzzards circling above a landfill C Am F C G C Old friends fall into a conversation Soldiers in the sand are standing still verse 2 C Am F C Em F Mermaid walks into a fleet of fishermen Chattering children lift their ears G to the sky C Am F C C/B Am G Skeptics stare in fascination I have seen so much beauty it could make you C cry Bridge Dm E Dm7 Am G Fire on the hillside raging I hear my lover calling F G Tears are falling Tears are falling verse 3 C Am F C Em F Widows walk with bouquets of roses Cardinals flaunt their feathers as they G fly C Am F C C/B Women flop with flames under their noses I have seen so much beauty it could G C make you cry Other bridge thingy F C F G Why, why, why, why Why, why, why, why Why Dm E Dm7 Am Fire on the hillside raging I hear my lover calling Calling F G Tears are falling Tears are falling verse 4 C Am F C Em F Damsels dressed in all the stylish fashions Trees in the city all strung G with lights C Am F C C/B Am Broken hearts meet with uncontrollable passion I have seen so much beauty G C it could make you cry Verse 5 C Am F C Em And the Hare Krishna clattering Chorus in the courtyard Dervishes dancing in F G a park nearby C Am F C Love professed to the point on a postcard C C/B Am G C I have seen so much beauty it could make you cry C C/B Am G C I have seen so much beauty it could make you cry C C/B Am G C I have seen so much beauty it could make you cry
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