Brett Dennen

Only Want You

Brett Dennen

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Only Want You

Written by Brett Dennen

Capo on 2nd fret


Listen to the river does it make you wonder? 
G                                     D                            G 
How anything could ever stand still? 
D                    opt (C)            G 
First lightning then thunder, thunder. 
Em                                D             G 
A kiss in the rain, love Feel the thrill. 
Em                              D       G 

I only want you, I only want you Em D I want what we had. G I only want you, I only want you Em D It's as simple as that.
G Run to the forest you’ll find some shelter. G D G Remember how we fell in love so sweet? D opt (C) G You said watch your step Walk softer, softer Em D G 'Cause dreams are growing beneath our feet. Em D G I only want you, I only want you Em D I want what we had. G I only want you, I only want you Em D Can we get it back? G I only want you, I only want you Em D I want what we had. G I only want you, I only want you Em D It's as simple as that. G Yours is the best love, it’s the best love. C Em G So pure and so true. C Em G Our love will lift us, our love will lift us. C Only love, my darlin'. Only you. Em D When I do not feel inspired. G D G I can only speak my heart. D opt (C) G I'm sitting in the middle of a fire, fire. Em D G And I can't even catch a spark. Em D G I only want you, I only want you Em D I want what we had. G I only want you, I only want you Em D Can we get it back? G I only want you, I only want you Em D I want what we had. G I only want you, I only want you Em D It's as simple as that.
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