Brett Dennen

You Aint Goin Nowhere

Brett Dennen

ukulele Beginner beginner


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You Aint Goin Nowhere

Written by Bob Dylan


Chords used: 

Clouds so swift 
Rain won't lift 
Gate won't close 
Railings froze 
G                 Am 
Get your mind off wintertime 
C                 G 
You ain't goin' nowhere 

G Am Whoo-ee! Ride me high C Tomorrow's the day G My bride's gonna come G Am Oh, oh, are we gonna fly C G Down in the easy chair!
Verse: I don't care How many letters they sent Morning came and morning went Pick up your money And pack up your tent You ain't goin' nowhere Chorus: Whoo-ee! Ride me high Tomorrow's the day My bride's gonna come Oh, oh, are we gonna fly Down in the easy chair! Verse: Buy me a flute And a gun that shoots Tailgates and substitutes Strap yourself To the tree with roots You ain't goin' nowhere Chorus: Whoo-ee! Ride me high Tomorrow's the day My bride's gonna come Oh, oh, are we gonna fly Down in the easy chair! Verse: Genghis Khan He could not keep All his kings Supplied with sleep We'll climb that hill no matter how steep When we get up to it Chorus: Whoo-ee! Ride me high Tomorrow's the day My bride's gonna come Oh, oh, are we gonna fly Down in the easy chair! Note: If you have any corrections or improvements to the tab write them on the comments section, or send me a message, or e-mail, so we can together make this tab even better. SCA, [email protected]
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