


ukulele Advanced advanced


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Written by Broadcast


    Gm9      Gm          Gm9   Gm 
You can't pretend 'cause I can see, you're 
Abadd6  Ab      Abadd6  Ab 
Not the boy you used to be 
D/A      D/Gb   D/A    D/Gb      Gm9   Gm 
Trust me with a secret you can't keep 
Gm9   Gm 

  Gm9        Gm         Gm9        Gm 
I watch your eyes, they shift with doubt, so 
Abadd6 Ab         Abadd6     Ab 
Every  night when stars come out 
  D/A    D/Gb      D/A  D/Gb   Gm9   Gm 
I try to read your personality 
Gm9   Gm 

    C                        Db              B 
The writing for pleasure you wouldn't let me read 
    C                            Db          B 
The things you miss out when you tried to mislead 
C                    Db    B 
You said you wrote a page about me 
Gm9   Gm   Gm9  Gm 
In your diary 

     Gm9     Gm         Gm9    Gm 
Your heart a place that no one sees 
    Abadd6   Ab        Abadd6  Ab 
You can't despise your own    ideas 
D/A      D/Gb   D/A    D/Gb      Gm9   Gm 
Trust me with a secret you can't keep 
Gm9    Gm 

    C                        Db              B 
The writing for pleasure you wouldn't let me read 
    C                            Db          B 
The things you miss out when you tried to mislead 
C                    Db    B 
You said you wrote a page about me 
Gm9   Gm   Gm9  Gm 
In your diary 

Don't be so afraid 
There's bound to be a place 
No matter who or where you are 
You've got to be willing 
You've got to be willing 

Gm9     Gm  
Abadd6  Ab   
D/A   D/Gb   
Gm9     Gm   

    C                        Db              B 
The writing for pleasure you wouldn't let me read 
    C                            Db          B 
The things you miss out when you tried to mislead 
C                    Db    B 
You said you wrote a page about me 
Gm9   Gm   Gm9  Gm 
In your diary 

Don't be so afraid 
You're bound to make mistakes 
No matter who or where you are 
You've got to be willing 
Don't be so afraid 
There's bound to be a place 
No matter who or where you are 
You've got to be willing 
You've got to be willing 

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Chord fingerings: Gm9 Abadd6 D/A D/Gb Ebmaj7 e|--3-----4---------------7--| B|--3-----4-----7---7-----9--| G|--3-----5-----7---7-----8--| D|--7-----6-----7---7-----9--| A|--5-----8----(0)--9-----7--| E|--3-----4------------------|
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