
The Hunger


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The Hunger

	  		Intro: C G F G  

Verse 1:

Am Dance with me baby, put me in a trance G 'Cause my heart belongs to you Am I’ve been dreaming all night Looking in your eyes G Thinkin' 'bout all that we can do F G Oh baby, so tired of waiting I want you
C I’m dealing with the hunger, baby G Every time when I get close to you F I'm feelin' so good, you drive me crazy G I think that you should know the truth

Verse 2:

Am Rockin' so hard every single day G Sometimes it's hard for me to choose Am About when to let go, tell me what you know G I bet you thought the whole thing through F G Oh baby, so tired of waiting I want you
C I'm dealing with the hunger, baby G Every time when I get close to you F I'm feelin' so good, you drive me crazy G I think that you should know the truth C I’m dealing with the hunger, baby G You and I, wild on the loose F Watchin’ you move, it feels amazing G I think that you should know the truth


F Now I'm falling so hard and This is what matters F Coming on strong, you’re just what I'm after Am Looking forward to the weekend Am But you know what you've been thinkin' F Running through life and keeping F My head strong i see you workin’ hard You know it's a turn-on G Tell me now, how are you feeling? G 'Cause baby I just wanna sit Am G Here and listen to you
C I'm dealing with the hunger, baby G Every time when I get close to you F I'm feelin' so good, you drive me crazy G I think that you should know the truth C I'm dealing with the hunger, baby (Baby) G You and I, wild on the loose (You and I, wild on the loose) F Watchin' you move, it feels amazing (Feels amazing, baby) G I think that you should know the truth
Outro C G F G C
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