Car Seat Headrest

Happy News For Sadness

Car Seat Headrest

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Happy News For Sadness

Written by Will Toledo

Key:  E More
D(one step down)
D#(half step down)
E(original key)
F(half step up)
F#(one step up)

Verse 1:

E You can never tell the truth A But you can tell something that sounds like it E You can never tell the truth A But you can tell something that sounds like it E My eyebrows are growing back in nicely A But I'm still ugly on the inside E An ad for a kid's movie On the back of the Rice Krispies A It came out in 2003 Sure hope it's talking about the DVD E You can never tell the truth A But you can tell something that sounds like it E You can never tell the truth A But you can tell something that sounds like it E You can never tell the truth A But you can tell something that sounds like it E You can never tell the truth A E But you can tell something that sounds like it

Verse 2:

E I liked you better when you hated yourself A Every time I think about love N.c I think about me thinking about you E Changing your anatomy A Hipbone is connected to my heart Every time I think about love I think about you thinking about me E Nobody wants to know (My eyebrows are growing back in nicely) What you got to say at all (My eyebrows are growing back in nicely) A Nobody cares about (But I'm still ugly on the inside) Your life and the people in it (But I'm still ugly on the inside) E So you can stop telling me it gets better (An ad for a kid's movie) And pack all your stuff in these boxes (On the back of the Rice Krispies) A And send them to the Salvation Army (It came out in 2003) Cause they're the only one- (Sure hope it's talking about the DVD) E You can never tell the truth A But you can tell something that sounds like it E You can never tell the truth A But you can tell something that sounds like it E You can never tell the truth A But you can tell something that sounds like it E You can never tell the truth A But you can tell something that sounds like it Final E
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Key:  E More
D(one step down)
D#(half step down)
E(original key)
F(half step up)
F#(one step up)
Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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