Chase Coy

Love In The Present Tense

Chase Coy

ukulele Easy easy


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Love In The Present Tense

verse 1 
         E                        Asus2 
Do you remember the summers, when we were still under 
      E                                             Asus2 
the impression that time would stand still just for us 
     E                        Asus2 
Then like a dream it ended so suddenly 
   E                       Asus2 
we couldn't even speak, we couldn't even speak 

    F#m                      Asus2 
But I've made peace with the past, 
      E                              B 
cause I've got something better than that 
                         Asus2       E           B 
Yeah, I've got something better than better than that 

Asus2 E B I've got you Asus2 E B And I've got love in the present tense Asus2 E B I've got you Asus2 E B And I've got more of us to look for we’re two
Interlude Asus2 E B Asus2 E B verse 2 E Asus2 Do you remember the things we said, were matters of life and death E Asus2 Well they all seem less important to me now E Asus2 And like a dream it ended so suddenly E Asus2 We couldn't even speak, we couldn't even speak Pre-Chorus F#m Asus2 But I've made peace with the past, E B cause I've got something better than that Asus2 E B Yeah, I've got something better than better than that
Asus2 E B I've got you Asus2 E B And I've got love in the present tense Asus2 E B I've got you Asus2 E B And I've got more of us to look for we’re two
Outro Asus2 E B I've got you (I’ve got you) Asus2 E B And I've got love in the present tense (love in the present tense) Asus2 E B I've got you (I’ve got you) Asus2 E B/F# And I've got more of us to look for we’re two
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