
Rise My Soul The Lord Is Risen


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Rise My Soul The Lord Is Risen

Capo on 4th fret


G  C    Em  C 
G  C    Em  C 

Verse 1:

G Rise my soul, the Lord is risen D C Come behold the empty grave Em G See the place where darkness laid Him C D G Sing for only hope remains G Hallelujah, Praise forever C Em D Death defeated and life restored G G/B Em By that great immortal power C G/B D G Christ is risen, arise my soul! Turnaround (G) C Em C

Verse 2:

G Rest my soul, the Lord is risen D C Love’s redeeming work is done Em G Now the Father sees His children C D G As He sees His sinless Son G O the wonder, O the glory C Em D That same favour is now my own G G/B Em Shame behind me, grace before me C G/B D G Christ is risen, arise my soul! Turnaround (G) C Em C G C Em C G

Verse 3:

G Peace my soul, the Lord is risen D C Come and have your hope renewed Em G For this trial is brief and fleeting C D G Tears will turn to glory soon G Shout with joy and sound the triumph C Em D Let the music of heaven roar G G/B Em Let the boast of death be silent C G/B D G Christ is risen, arise my soul!

Verse 4:

G Rise my soul for I am risen D C Seated now with Christ my Lord Em G As my life belongs to heaven C D G Fear shall hold its sway no more G Onward, upward, t’ward the treasure C Em D Filled with courage and endless hope G G/B Em For this truth is mine forever C G/B D C/E D/F# Christ is risen arise my soul! Tag G Onward, upward, t’ward the treasure C Em D Filled with courage and endless hope G G/B Em For this truth is mine forever C G/B D Em Christ is risen arise my soul! C G/B D Em D Christ is risen arise my soul! N.C. N.C. N.C. G Christ is risen arise my soul! Outro (G) C Em C G C Em G/B C
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