Cold War Kids

Free To Breathe

Cold War Kids

ukulele Easy easy


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Free To Breathe

Written by Lars Stalfors/Nathan Willett/Dan Wilson

Chorus D Bm So why should I believe that everything will be alright? G That everything will be alright D A If only we were free to breathe D Bm And why should I believe that everything will be alright? G That everything will be alright D A Imagine how good we could be
verse 1 D We like to drink with our feet on the fire Bm We like to argue the meaning of life G Like brothers, we know how to fight D A It's on our shoulders to set the world right G What's the difference if we disagree? D A Is heaven above? Is hell underneath? G Doesn't change the news on the streets D A Doesn't bring us closer to peace
D Bm So why should I believe that everything will be alright? G That everything will be alright D A If only we were free to breathe D Bm And why should I believe that everything
will be alright? G That everything will be alright D A Imagine how good we could be Interlude: D Bm G D A verse 2 D What kinda father leaves his kids in the rain? Bm What kinda God would not explain? G If this life is all that we get D A We better hope something good comes next D The world is changing D Can you feel the tension? Bm If you're not angry, you must not be listening G The world is changing G Can you feel the tension? D If you're not angry, you must not be listening Tabbed by Eli S.
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