Cold War Kids

Saint John

Cold War Kids

ukulele Easy easy


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Saint John

Written by Matt Aveiro/Matt Maust/Jonathan Russell/Nathan Willett


B                 E 
Suppertime in the hole 
B                 E 
Suppertime in the hole 
B          E 
I shame my family 
B        E 
Shame my home 
B        E 

E              B             G                       A 
Old Saint John on death row, he's just waiting for a pardon 
E              B             G                       A 
Old Saint John on death row, he's just waiting for a pardon 
E              B             G                       A 
Old Saint John on death row, he's just waiting for a pardon 
E              B             G                       A 
Old Saint John on death row, boy he's just a-waiting... 

E                            B              
All the white boys in their stay-pressed slacks, they're  
G                        A 
home for the summer from college 
E                         B                         G 
Stayin' out late, getting rowdy at the bar, they're looking 
For trouble uptown 
E                            B               G 
They come up my block, about 5 or 6 of them, smashin' their 
bottles in the gutter 
E                     B                 G                 A 
Yelling all kinds of obscenities, about women and God and law 

        B                 E 
Another suppertime in the hole 
B                      E 
I shame my family 
Shame my home 
B             E 

Young girl turn the corner with her clerk dress on, that girl was my sister 
Just got off the night shift at Penningtons Place, just wanna go home and get some sleep 
Boys grab her by the waist with their caffeine eyes, their hands all figdet and 'lectric 
I picked up a brick from my papa's front yard and threw it at the tallest boy's face 
Well blood was streaming like a well that sprung, I couldn't believe what I had just done 
Well the other boys ran and this one stayed on the ground and he would never move again 

Old Saint John on death row, he's just waiting for a pardon 
Old Saint John on death row, he's just waiting for a pardon 
All us boys on death row, we just waiting for a pardon 
All us boys on death row 

Don't know this change, hopefully someone can edit this & make it right... 

Yours truly on trial, I testify 
I got to keep on running till the well run dry 
Yours truly on trial, I testify 
I got to keep on running till the well run dry 
Yours truly on trial, I testify 
I got to keep on running till the well run dry 
Yours truly on trial, I testify 
I got to keep on running till the well run dry 
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