Cole Swindell


Cole Swindell

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Written by Ben Hayslip, Richard Chase Mcgill

Key:  G More
Stars Key DD
Stars Key D#D#
Stars Key EE
Stars Key FF(one step down)
Stars Key F#F#(half step down)
Stars Key GG(original key)
Stars Key G#G#(half step up)
Stars Key AA(one step up)
Stars Key A#A#
Stars Key BB
Stars Key CC
Stars Key C#C#

G                 D 
You wish on 'em, party underneath 'em 
Em                        C 
Way out there where it's easy to see 'em 
G D Em   C 
G                 D 
If they line up, tonight you're gonna, 
Em                        C 
thank your lucky ones for shining down on ya 
G D Em   C 

- G You stopped and filled up D At a red and black one at the Texaco Em C She hopped in your truck, sang along with the one on the radio G D Big red one going down, felt like one in a small town, Em C parked way out in the dark G D And they danced on the hood, she was sitting on it shining like 'em Em C Gave you that look, they were in her eyes, she couldn't hide 'em G D Em C By the end of the night, you were falling just like G D Em C Stars
Verse G D You stare at 'em, swear if you could reach 'em Em C You'd give her one 'cause she's got you seeing G D Em C Stars, since that night she stole your heart
- G You stopped and filled up D At a red and black one at the Texaco Em C She hopped in your truck, sang along with the one on the radio G D Big red one going down, felt like one in a small town, Em C parked way out in the dark G D And they danced on the hood, she was sitting on it shining like 'em Em C Gave you that look, they were in her eyes, she couldn't hide 'em G D Em C By the end of the night, you were falling just like G D Em C Stars G D She fell from 'em, so you point your prayers at 'em, Em C (let ring) 'cause she's got you feeling about as high as 'em G Since you stopped and filled up D At a red and black one at the Texaco Em C She hopped in your truck, sang along with the one on the radio G D Big red one going down, felt like one in a small town, Em C parked way out in the dark G D And they danced on the hood, she was sitting on it shining like 'em Em C Gave you that look, they were in her eyes, she couldn't hide 'em G D Em C By the end of the night, you were falling just like G D Em C Stars G D Em C Stars,yeah
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