Cross Canadian Ragweed

Carney Man

Cross Canadian Ragweed


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Carney Man

Written by Cody Canada/Mike McClure

I want a big red nose  I want some floppy shoes 
I want a squirty flower   squirt it on you 
Like all the bad clowns do 
G			       F	      C 
I want to juggle bowling pins in the sun 
G			F						C 
I want to join the circus,   the circus looks like fun 
I'll sit and work the gate  or I can guess your weight 
I'll even sell the corn dogs  I don't care 
As long as I am there 
G		             F       C 
I'll hand out baseballs at the dunk tank 
G			     F			             C 
I'll ride my funny car laughing... all the way to the bank 
Cause I'm a carney man  I'm a carney man 
I'm a carney man   I'm a carney man carney man carney man 
The human cannonball  I'll rise above it all 
			          F			              C 
Up higher than the trapeze I can fly  Oh god I'm gonna die 
G		          F		    C 
I am a carney worker I make two bucks 
G		           F				         C 
Every hour come to find out ... this job it really sucks 
Cause I'm a carney man  I'm a carney man 
I'm a carney man   I'm a carney man  
You need a corndog I can tell  You need a corn dog I can tell 
I'm a carney man 
Notes:  If you ever get the chance to see these guys, take advantage.   
They really keep the joint rockin' and have a good time. 
They also dress up the live version of Carney Man and make it more 
You play the C chord with a hammer-on the B string, 3rd fret.  If you ever 
hear the song  
you'll pick right up on the strum pattern. 
Please direct all suggestions, corrections, additions, 
 and cussins to The Big L ([email protected]) 

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