Dave Matthews Band

The song that jane likes

Dave Matthews Band


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The song that jane likes

Written by Matthews / Roebuck

	  			 D       C        F            G
	And in plays to write the wire in
              Am	      D
	I'll come back again... 
	 D       C        F            G
     Torching time talking rhymes in
              Am	      D
	I'll come back again... 

	 G         C       Am	  F    D2
	Would you like to play
	 G         C       Am	  F    D2
     With the thought of a friend
	 G         C       Am	  F    D2
     In a distant passing stage
	 G         C       Am	  F    D2
     While you lie around
	 G         C       Am	  F    D2
     With hands up and down
	 G         C       Am	  F    D2
     So resigned you will fall down

	    G          C          Am    F
	...While you around here play
	    G          C          Am    F
	Wild on the warm and far away
	    G          C          Am    F
     While you around here play
	     E					Am   F     D2
	The days keep scribbling themselves in tidy lines

	 G         C       Am	  F    D2
     Would like to play
	 G         C       Am	  F    D2
     With a fool holding hands
	 G         C       Am	  F    D2
     With a one-eyed jack of spades
	 G         C       Am	  F    D2
     While on the deck they sing
	 G         C       Am	  F    D2
	All of the captain's cards are kings
	Still he and the queen are lost at sea
	I hope it isn't you and me
	    G          C          Am    F
	And I'll be back 'round again
	    G          C          Am    F
	Yes I'll walk in time with you old friend
	    G          C          Am    F
	And we'll find that place
	     E	   	      Am   F     D2
	That we had danced so long ago

	 D      C        F             G
	And in plays to write the wire in
	      Am		D
	I'll come back again
	 D	  C      F           G
	Torching time talking rhymes in
	      Am		D
	I'll come back again
		    C   F             G
	With this resigned the letter I sign
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