Deer Tick

Hope Is Big

Deer Tick

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Hope Is Big

G Em C G 
G G D D 
G Em C G 
G D G G 

verse 1 
      G              Em         C         G 
Happy Birthday Black song to my cancerous blood 
         G      G          D        D 
Will you please feed me my tube 
        G         Em              C          G 
So many oceans to swim but I lost my will to swim 
        G                D            G       G 
Hope is big, but they're always gonna win 
             G    Em           C       G 
Now I felt a cool breeze on my invalid knees 
            G         G           D        D 
It reminded me of our kiss in the summer 
        G         Em           C             G 
Vicarious like my grandmothers kiss at Christmas 
        G                D            G       G 
Hope is big, but they're always gonna win 

Em C G D Hope is big, ho-o-ope, it's so big Em C G D Hope is big, ho-o-ope, it's so big G D G Yeah, they're always gonna win
Bridge G Em C G G G D D G Em C G G D G G verse 2 G Em C G And all the ashes were red, the fire trucks lost in it G G D D Tombstone flickered on the Fourth of July G Em C G Janitor keys jingle jangle the loneliest tune G D G G Hope is big but we're always gonna lose G Em C G Now you're up and you're out of your impervious doubt G G D D And your love, it won't bring us the truth G Em C G And I hear rats in moonlight tangled up in our fight G D G G Hope is big but they're always gonna win
Em C G D Hope is big, ho-o-ope, it's so big Em C G D Hope is big, ho-o-ope, it's so big G D G Yeah they're always gonna win
Solo G Em C G G G D D G Em C G G D G G
Em C G D Hope is big, ho-o-ope, it's so big Em C G D Hope is big, ho-o-ope, it's so big G D G Yeah they're always gonna win
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