Dixie Chicks

Whistles And Bells

Dixie Chicks

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Whistles And Bells

Capo on 4th fret

Intro: D  G 
D G Whistles and bells won't ever bring you love and happiness D G She's never gonna give her heart the way that I would give D She's got you spinning round in circles, I can tell G With her lights, buzzers, whistles and bells
D G I see her running round this town in her fancy car C D G A girl who can't afford your hopes and dreams D G But darlin', all those pretty toys won't help your broken heart C D G When she's through and sends you packin' back to me
D G Whistles and bells won't ever bring you love and happiness D G She's never gonna give her heart the way that I would give D She's got you spinning round in circles, I can tell G D G With her lights, buzzers, whistles and bells
D G I cried those lonely tears until the day I realized C D G That you were hurting so much more than me D G There are some things in this world that just don't have a price C D G Like the love that waits here for you, patiently
D G Whistles and bells won't ever bring you love and happiness D G She's never gonna give her heart the way that I would give D She's got you spinning round in circles, I can tell G With her lights, buzzers, whistles and bells D She's got you spinning round in circles, I can tell G D G With her lights, buzzers, whistles and bells
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