Doobie Brothers

Long Train Running

Doobie Brothers

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Long Train Running

Written by Tom Johnston

	  		Intro Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 

Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 
Down around the corner, half a mile from here 
See them long trains run and you watch them disappear 
Cm7                              Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 
Without love, where would you be now 
        Eb  D4  D  Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 
Without lo~o~ove 

Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 
Ya know I saw Miss Lucy down along the tracks 
She lost her home and her family and she won't be coming back 
Cm7                              Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 
Without love, where would you be right now 
        Eb  D4  D  Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 
Without lo~o~ove 
Gm7                      F#m7  Gm7 
Well the Illinois Central        and the Southern Central Freight 
F#m7  Gm7                      F#m7  Gm7 
You got to keep on pushin’ mama     you know they're running late 
Cm7                              Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 
Without love, where would you be now 
        Eb  D4  D  Dm7  Gm7  Gm7 
Without lo~o~ove 


Gm7                      F#m7  Gm7 
Well the Illinois Central          and the Southern Central Freight 
F#m7  Gm7                       F#m7  Gm7 
You got to keep on pushin’ mama       you know they're running late 
Cm7                             Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 
Without love where would you be now 

        Eb  D4  D  Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 
Without lo~o~ove 
F#m7  Gm7                         F#m7  Gm7 
Well the pistons keep on turnin' and the wheels go round and round 
F#m7  Gm7                          F#m7  Gm7 
And steel rails are cold and hard for the miles that they go down 
Cm7                              Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 
Without love, where would you be now 
        Eb  D4  D  Cm7 
Without lo—o——-ove   ooh, where would you be now 

Dm7  Gm7  Dm7  Gm7 
Mmmmm got to get to baby, baby 
Won't you move me down - got to move me down 
Baby, baby, baby, baby - won't you move me down 
Til my feets ain't runnin' and the trains are movin' on 
Gm7  Gm  Gm7  Gm 
Got to keep on movin' - keep on movin' 
Keep on movin' - got to keep on movin' 
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