Earth, Wind and Fire


Earth, Wind and Fire

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Year: 1978 - Album: The Best of Earth, Wind & Fire, Vol. 1

Written by A.mckay / M.white

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e|--------------------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------------------| G|--------------------------------------------------------------------| D|--------11-11-11-9-7-7/9-9-9-6-7-7----------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------------------------| (3x)
Intro: Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 C#m7 F#m7 Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 C#m7 F#m7 Gmaj7/A Verse 1 Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 Do you remember C#m7 F#m7 Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 the 21st night of September? C#m7 F#m7 Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 Love was changing the minds of pretenders C#m7 F#m7 Gmaj7/A While chasing the clouds away Verse 2 Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 Our hearts were ringing C#m7 F#m7 Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 In the key that our souls were singing. C#m7 F#m7 Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 As we danced in the night, C#m7 F#m7 Gmaj7/A Remember how the stars stole the night away
Bm7 E7 C#m7 F#m7 Ba de ya - say do you remember Bm7 E7 C#m7 F#m7 Ba de ya - dancing in September Bm7 E7 C#m7 F#m7 Gmaj7/A Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day Ba de ya Bm7 E7 C#m7 F#m7
Verse 3 Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 My thoughts are with you C#m7 F#m7 Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 Holding hands with your heart to see you C#m7 F#m7 Only blue talk and love, Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 C#m7 F#m7 Gmaj7/A Remember how we knew love was here to stay Verse 4 Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 C#m7 F#m7 Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 Now December found the love that we shared in September. C#m7 F# Only blue talk and love, Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 C#m7 F#m7 Gmaj7/A Remember the true love we share today
Bm7 E7 C#m7 F#m7 Ba de ya - say do you remember Bm7 E7 C#m7 F#m7 Ba de ya - dancing in September Bm7 E7 C#m7 F#m7 Gmaj7/A Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day
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