


ukulele Expert expert


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Key:  D More
Linger Key AA
Linger Key A#A#
Linger Key BB
Linger Key CC(one step down)
Linger Key C#C#(half step down)
Linger Key DD(original key)
Linger Key D#D#(half step up)
Linger Key EE(one step up)
Linger Key FF
Linger Key F#F#
Linger Key GG
Linger Key G#G#
	  		Intro: Bm  F#m  Bm  F#m  Bm  F#m  G  A 

Feel so warm when you are near 
You are all I want to feel 
D      Bm                 F#m 
Tell me now: is this for real? 
It's hard to breath 

We're all lost in travel time 
Cannot find my peace of mind 
D      Bm                F#m 
When the sun will rise again, 
We'll fly away 

G         Bm 
Take the stairs to the stars 
G         F#m 
Wander long, travel far 
Bm    A 

Bm          F#m       G 
A summer breeze makes 
           F#m         G             Bm 
All of our winters freeze, autumn leaves 
             G                    A 
there's no chance for spring's romance 
Bm            F#m       G              F#m 
we linger on but leave the past behind us 
G            F#m         G 
old lovers live it on new 
            A         Bm (já entra no solo) 
but chances are so few 

( Bm  F#m  G  A ) 

Windows open up to life 
put your worries all aside 
D         Bm             F#m 
sacred silence closes doors 
for open eyes 

G               Bm 
Take the stairs to the stars 
G          F#m 
Wander long, travel far 
Bm     A   Bm  A 
Someday... Away 

Bm           F#m      G 
A summer breeze makes 
            F#m        G              Bm 
All of our winters freeze, autumn leaves 
            G                      A 
there's no chance for spring's romance 
Bm             F#m       G            F#m 
we linger on but leave the past behind us 
G            F#m          G 
old lovers live it on new 
            A         G 
but chances are so few 
            A         Bm  (Intro) 
and choices are so true 

( Bm  F#m  Bm  F#m  Bm  F#m  G  A  G  A  Bm ) 
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