Eric Andersen

Violets Of Dawn

Eric Andersen


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Violets Of Dawn

Written by Eric Andersen

	  		Eric Andersen     Violets Of Dawn   written by Eric Andersen  
D               G               D           G                   D G   
Take me to the night I'm tippin topsy turvy turning upside down 
D                 G                D                         
Hold me tight and whisper what you wish  
             G                  D   
For there is no one here around 
   G                 A 
Oh you may sing song me sweet smiles 
   D              G               A 
Regardless of the city's careless frown  
               D              G                         
Come watch the no colors fade blazing 
     D                G               D G   
Into pedal sprays of  Violets of Dawn  
   D               G                                            
In blindful  wonderments enchantments 
D               G                      D G D 
You can lift my wings  softly to fly 
D                        G                D  
Your eyes are like swift fingers reaching out 
         G                   D     
Into the pockets of my night 
G                 A            D                 G 
Whirling twirling puppy warm before the flashing cloaks of darkness  
             D              G                
Come see the no colors fade blazing 
     D                G               D G   
Into pedal sprays of  Violets of Dawn  
     D                    G                         
Some prince charming I'll be  
             D                   G              D  G 
On Two white steeds to bring you diamond crowns 
    D                G             
And climb your tower sleeping beauty  
  D             G                          D   
Before you ever know I've left the ground 
G              A          D               G            A  
You can wear a Cinderella Snowhite Alice  Wonderland gown 
               D              G 
Come watch the no colors fade blazing 
     D                G               D G   
Into pedal sprays of  Violets of Dawn  
D                G             D                
But if I seem to wander off in dream like looks  
       G                   D G  
Please let me settle slowly   
     D            G              D  
It's only me just staring out at you 
          G                     D    
A seeming stranger speaking holy  
G               A                D         G                A 
I don't mean to wake you up it's only lonliness just coming on   
           D              G             D 
So let the no colors fade blazing into petal sprays 
   G              D  G   
Of Violets Of Dawn 
     D                G  
Like shadows bursting into mist  
  D               G                      D  G 
Behind the echoes of this nonsense song 
D                 G 
It's just chacing whispering trail 
   D            G                     D 
Of secret steps see them  laughing on  
        G            A             D           G                 A 
There's magic in the sleepiness of waking to a childish sounding yawn  
              D               G 
Come watch the no colors fade blazing 
     D                G               D G  D 
Into pedal sprays of  Violets of Dawn  
  From Eric Andersen  "Bout Changes & Things LP" 
  Vanguard Records  1966 

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