Escape The Fate

I Am Human

Escape The Fate

ukulele Easy easy


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I Am Human

Intro: Am 

verse 1 
Am                                       C  G 
This is for the ones with words unspoken 
Am                                               C  G 
This is for the ones dealing with hearts broken 
I can't believe everything I see 
                            C     G 
A world full of hate and of vanity 
Am                                    C  G 
With so much beauty and love inside me 
G                       F 
When does our innocence turn into arrogance? 

Am F I am strong, I am weak C G I am everything between Am F I am proud to be me C G I am human Am F I am weird, I'm a freak C G I am different, I'm unique Am F I will love who I please C I am human G Am F C You are just like me G Am F C G You are just like me
Instrumental: Am verse 2 Am C G Faith is so much stronger than fear Am C G Open your heart to the truth you might hear Am C G Taste your words before you spit them out Am C G Silence can be louder than a shout Am C G There's so much beauty and love inside us G F When does our innocence turn into arrogance?
Am F I am strong, I am weak C G I am everything between Am F I am proud to be me C G I am human Am F I am weird, I'm a freak C G I am different, I'm unique Am F I will love who I please C I am human G Am F C You are just like me G Am F C G You are just like me
Bridge F Rejoice it's a miracle F G Am G Rejoice it's a miracle F Rejoice it's a miracle F G Am G Rejoice it's a miracle
Am F I am strong, I am weak C G I am everything between Am F I am proud to be me C G I am human Am F I am weird, I'm a freak C G I am different, I'm unique Am F I will love who I please C I am human G Am F C You are just like me G Am F C You are just like me G Am You are just like me
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