Fitz And The Tantrums

Breakin' The Chains Of Love

Fitz And The Tantrums

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Breakin' The Chains Of Love

Capo on 3rd fret


Am                D 
I've been trying, to get you 
G                  D 
To see things all my way 
Am                               D 
For the days that since you've left me 
G                                 D 
And I know that you probably keep away 

I said F C Oh what a lovely day F C Breaking the chains of love F C D I'm hoping that you won't find a new love D Cause I know baby you're mine
Same chords as verse: Am D Can't you see that you're mine G D Oh, can't you see, can't you see that you're mine Verse: You been lying and cheating Fooling around, messing around all of the time No way I'm gonna find you You're making me god damn pay
I said Oh what a lovely day Breaking the chains of love I'm hoping that you won't find a new love Cause I know baby you're mine
Verse: I've been trying, to forget you The pictures, they don't fade For the days that since you've left me And I know that these tears won't wipe away
I said Oh what a lovely day Breaking the chains of love I'm hoping that you won't find a new love Cause I know baby you're mine Same chords as verse: Can't you see that you're mine Oh, can't you see, can't you see that you're mine Oh baby I know that you're mine Can't you see that you're mine Oh, can't you see, can't you see that you're mine
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