Fitz And The Tantrums


Fitz And The Tantrums

ukulele Easy easy


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Key:  F#m More
Tighter Key C#mC#m
Tighter Key DmDm
Tighter Key D#mD#m
Tighter Key EmEm(one step down)
Tighter Key FmFm(half step down)
Tighter Key F#mF#m(original key)
Tighter Key GmGm(half step up)
Tighter Key G#mG#m(one step up)
Tighter Key AmAm
Tighter Key A#mA#m
Tighter Key BmBm
Tighter Key CmCm
Capo on 1st fret

verse 1 

        F#m             A 
To be real is to understand 

            D               Bm          Dbm 
When I had you I was not completely in tune 

'Cause I was blind, I let you drift away 

I didn't give you enough to stay 

So you made up my mind 

And you walked away 

E A And why didn't I E - D Hold you tighter than tighter? F#m When I could do no wrong E - D It's getting harder and harder A Why didn't I E - D Hold you tighter than tighter? F#m How could I be so wrong? E D You can't hold on A To what is already gone E - D Come back, baby
verse 2 F#m A Don't be strong, don't let it go D 'Cause are you out there with someone else? Bm Dbm Are you telling him, no? F#m 'Cause I could be your shelter from the rain A Come inside now, not gonna give you pain D Bm 'Cause I made up my mind, I walk away
E A And why didn't I E - D Hold you tighter than tighter? F#m When I could do no wrong E - D It's getting harder and harder A Why didn't I E - D Hold you tighter than tighter? F#m How could I be so wrong? E Bm You can't hold on A To what is already gone E - D Come back, baby
Bridge And why? Oh, why won't you believe in me? Why? Oh, why won't you believe in me?
E A And why didn't I E - D Hold you tighter than tighter? F#m When I could do no wrong E - D It's getting harder and harder A Why didn't I E - D Hold you tighter than tighter? F#m How could I be so wrong? E Bm You can't hold on A To what is already gone E - D Ooh, ooh, ooh
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