Gary Allan

Baby I Will

Gary Allan


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Baby I Will

Written by Gary Allan/Odie Blackmon/Jake Kelly

	  		E           C#m         F#m             B 
If he don't dream 'bout you night after night 
E            C#m             F#m          B 
If you don't think that he's treatin' you right 
E           C#m         F#m             B 
If he don't worship the ground that you walk on 
E            C#m F#m        B 
It's easy to see somethin's wrong 
A Am I can't stand to see you cry E G#m Gm F#m Over love that just ain't real F#m If he don't love you B E Mmmm mmmm baby I will
If he don't whisper sweet words in your ear Things a good woman loves to hear Why can't you see what he's puttin' you through How long can your heart beat feelin' so blue Chorus Chorus
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