Gary Allan

Where Im Sittin

Gary Allan


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Where Im Sittin

Written by Garth Brooks/Kent Maxon

He asked her to dance 3 songs ago  
He pulls her close as the music slows 
E                                                            B  
The lights dim its just her and him and the band 
E                                            A     
Funny I used to love this song, thought it was our song but I guess I was 
From where I'm sittin I can see where I stand 
A                          D A 
From where I'm sittin I can see where I stand he's got her head on his 
shoulders and  
                            D  A 
her heart in his hand things are pretty clear what a fool understands Lord 
from where  
        A   B                           E 
I'm sittin I can see where I stand 
It goes on from there and remains the same. If you are still confused please 
e-mail me at [email protected] and I will be glad to help with it and any other 
song I can. 
Thanks for the great website and keep pickin.  
Your friend, 
Tripp Ray 

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