Gary Go


Gary Go

ukulele Expert expert

by  KERIC1

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Written by Gary Go

G 	Bm 	A 	F#m      
(Whhooooooho, Whhooooooho)     x2 

Verse 1: 

Bm		    D 
The person that you were has died 
Em		       G 
You’ve lost the sparkle in your eyes 
Bm		     D 
You fell for life - into its traps 
Em		A  
Now you wanna bridge the gaps 
Bm		D 
Now you wanna bridge the gaps 
Em		A 
Now you want that person back 

G 	Bm 	A 	F#m      
(Whhooooooho, Whhooooooho) 

Verse 2: 

Bm	         D 
And all your ammunition’s gone 
Em		G 
Run out of fuel to carry on 
Bm		   D 
You don’t know what you wanna do 
Em	     	    A 
You’ve got no pull to pull you through 

G Bm Say “I am A F#m Say “I am G Bm A Say I am wonderful
G Bm Say “I am A F#m Say “I am G Bm A Say I am wonderful
Verse 3: Bm D If what you’ve lost cannot be found Em G And the weight of the world weighs you down Bm D No longer with the will to fly Em A You stop to let it pass you by Bm D Don’t stop to let it pass you by Em A You’ve gotta look yourself in the eye
G Bm Say “I am A F#m Say “I am G Bm A Say I am wonderful
G Bm Say “I am A F#m Say “I am G Bm A Say I am wonderfull
Bridge: Em Cause we are all miracles Bm wrapped up in chemicals A Em We are incredible C Bm Don’t take it for granted, no A We are all miracles Oh we are
G Bm Say “I am A F#m Say “I am G Bm A Say I am wonderful
Outro: G Bm Don’t take it for granted, no A We are all miracles F#m wrapped up, yeah we’re wrapped up G Oh we are wonderful
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