George Straight

Baby Run

George Straight

ukulele Advanced advanced


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Baby Run


Em G Em Dsus2 

             G          A           Bm      A/C# 
If there's a plane or a bus leaving dallas 
              G     A Bm A/C# 
I hope you're on it 
               G            A             Bm     A/C# 
Yeah there's a train moving fast down the tracks 
           G         A Bm A/C# 
I hope you caught it 

'Cause I swear out there ain't where you oughta be 
So catch a ride, catch a cab 
Don't you know I miss you bad 
But don't you walk to me 

Bm G A D D/C# Baby run___, cut a path across the blue skies Bm G D A Strait in a strait line, you can't get here fast enough Bm G A D Find a truck and fire it up, lean on the gas and off the clutch D/C# Bm A/C# G A Leave Dallas in the dust, I need you in a rush Em G Em Dsus2 So baby run...
Verse: If you ain't got a suitcase, get a box Or an old brown paper sack Pack it light or pack it heavy Take a truck, take a chevy Baby just come back There's a shortcut to the highway outta town Why don't you take it Don't let that speed limit slow you down Go on and break it Chorus: And Baby run, cut a path across the blue skies Strait in a strait line, you can't get here fast enough Find a truck and fire it up, lean on the gas and off the clutch Leave Dallas in the dust, I need you in a rush G So baby run... Music Interlude: -> A Bm A/C# G A Bm A/C# Outro: Em G (until fade out) Baby run... Oh baby run... Baby run...
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