Global Deejays

What a feeling

Global Deejays



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What a feeling

Written by Irene Cara/Keith Forsey/Giorgio Moroder

	  		Remix(Notas simples): G  G  G#  G  G  A# G  G 
                      G  G  F  F#  F# 
                      G  G  G#  G  G  A# G  G 
                      G  G  C  A#  A# (2x) 
Introdução: Bb  F  Cm  Gm 
Bb                  F 
First when there's nothing 
       Cm            Gm 
but a slow glowing dream 
          Eb             Bb 
that your fear seems to hide 
       Ab          F 
deep inside your mind. 
     Bb            F 
All alone I have cried 
        Cm             Gm 
Silent tears full of pride 
      Eb             Bb 
in a world made of steel 
          Ab   Eb  F 
made of stone. 
           Gm   F   Eb 
What a feeling 
           Gm   F   Eb 
Bein's believin'. 
           Gm   F   Eb 
What a feeling 
            Gm        F         Eb 
Bein's believin'. (I can have it all)(2x) 
Remix (4x) 
           Gm   F   Eb 
What a feeling 
           Gm   F   Eb 
Bein's believin'. 
      Bb       F 
I can have it all 
          Bb             F 
Now, I'm dancing for my life. 
            Gm   F   Eb 
What a feeling 
           Gm   F   Eb 
Bein's believin'. 
      Bb       F 
I can have it all 
          Bb       Eb     F 
Now, I'm dancing for my life. 
Refrão (2x) 

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