Gospel Music

Paul Zacharias - Remove The Beam

Gospel Music

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Paul Zacharias - Remove The Beam

verse 1 
G                         D 
Sometimes this life seems hard on me 
     C            G 
With wisdom comes pain ya see 
            C              G 
Why the compassion that He gives to me 
For the ones He calls the least of these? 
G               D 
I can't bare it on my own 
      C                G 
can't make the journey all alone 
       C                 G                    D 
It's a big bad world and sometimes it gets to me. 
             G          D 
But when the Spirit is guiding me 
      C           G 
I can see just in front of me 
         C              G                    D 
Which is all the finite mind really needs to see. 

C D Jesus, You are the truth G C I don't need any other proof G D But to know You're the one who died for me. G D So I'll leave the whole world in your hands C G I've trouble enough with just one man C G D and that, one man you know my Lord is me.
verse 2 G D So I'll just take it day by day C G For me there ain't no other way G G D But to stay on the path that leads to home. G D And if ever I see someone in need C G Help me be there Lord to be used of Thee C G D To bind the wounds and deal with every scar.
C D Jesus, You are the truth G C I don't need any other proof G D But to know You're the one who died for me. G D So I'll leave the whole world in your hands C G I've trouble enough with just one man C G D and that, one man you know my Lord is me.
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