Gram Parsons

I Can't Dance

Gram Parsons

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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I Can't Dance

Written by Tom T. Hall

Intro: B F# B 

I can't dance, I never could 
E                    B 
I guess my feet don't match 
I'd get out there on the floor 
   C#                       F# 
But I'm afraid of hurtin' my back 

B I can't dance E B I guess, I'm just one of the unfortunate few B So just for a little bit, baby E F# B I'll come out and dance with you
Verse E B But I can't dance and I'm feelin' so good, yeah B Some of us can, some of us can't C# F# Some of us wish that they could dance
B I can't dance E B I guess, I'm just one of the unfortunate few B So just for a little bit, baby E F# B I'll come out and dance with you
Instrumental B E B B C# F# B E B B E F# B Verse E B I can't dance and I'm feelin' so good, yeah B Some of us can, some of us can't C# F# Some of us wish that they could dance
B I can't dance E B I guess, I'm just one of the unfortunate few B So just for a little bit, baby E F# B I'll come out and dance with you
Outro B So just for a little bit, baby E F# B I'll come out and dance with you B So just for a little bit, baby E F# B I'll come out and dance with you
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