Guy Clark

No Lonesome Tune

Guy Clark

ukulele Beginner beginner


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No Lonesome Tune

Written by Townes Van Zandt


| D             | D             | A             | D             | 
| D             | D             | A             | D             | 

D D I ain't no sing no lonesome tune, ah, babe, I'm a coming soon, A D I cannot believe I stayed so long away. A D But a man must look around, you're the sweetest thing I've found, A D your lost high roller's rolling home today.
Interlude | D | D | A | D |

Verse 1:

D D My Daddy said to me "Son, it's hard as you will see A D to find someone upon whom to rely". A D And in the kitchen mama sneezed and he grinned big as you please A D he said, "Bless you" and a tear come to his eye.
Interlude | D | D | A | D | | D | D | A | D |

Verse 2:

D D I did decide that very day that I like to live that way A D and now I know I just been wasting time. A D It's with you that I should be, if you feel the same 'bout me A D I'm headed home along the straightest line.
(End) D D I ain't no sing no lonesome tune, ah, babe, I'm a coming soon, A D I cannot believe I stayed so long away. A D But a man must look around, you're the sweetest thing I've found, A D your lost high roller's rolling home today.
Outro | D | D | A | D | | D | D | A | D* ||
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