Guy Clark

Soldier’s Joy 1864

Guy Clark

ukulele Expert expert

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Soldier’s Joy 1864

Written by Shawn Camp/Guy Clark

	  		Capo on 2 
Am               Dm               Am                   E7 
First I thought a snake had got me it happened dreadful quick 
Am          Dm          Am        G     Am  
Was a bullet bit my leg, right off I got sick 
Am            Dm            Am               E7 
I came to in a wagon load of ten more wounded men 
Am           Dm          Am              G      Am  C/G 
Five was dead by the time we reached that bloody tent 
C                 F              C               G7 
Gimme some of that Soldier’s Joy, you know what I mean 
C              F            C         G7     Am 
I don’t want to hurt no more my leg is turnin’ green 
The doctor came and looked at me and this is what he said 
Your dancin’ days are done, son, it’s a wonder you ain’t dead 
Then he went to work with a carvin’ knife sweat fell from his brow 
‘Bout killed me tryin’ to save my life when he cut that lead ball out 
Give me some of that Soldier’s Joy, ain’t you got no more 
Hand me down my walkin’ cane I ain’t cut out for war 
Red blood run right through my veins run all over the floor 
Run right down his apron strings like a river out the door 
He handed me a bottle and said, son drink deep as you can 
He turned away then he turned right back with a hacksaw in his hand 
Gimme some of that Soldier’s Joy you know what I like 
Bear down on that fiddle boys just like Saturday night 
Gimme some of that Soldier’s Joy you know what I crave 
I’ll be hittin’ that Soldier’s Joy til I’m in my grave 
C   F   C    G 
C   F   C    G   Am 
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