Harry Nilsson


Harry Nilsson

ukulele Advanced advanced


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	  		G                                A 
Freckles was his name, he always used to get the blame 
          D                               G 
For every broken window pane and how they yanked him  
You know they spanked him 
At school he'd tease the girls, he always used to pull their curls 
             D                            B                      
The way that boy would carry on, it was a shame 

And when the teacher found a tack on her chair 
Though a hundred children were there 
G              A            D              G  
Everybody said Freckles, he always got the blame 

Freckles was his name... 

And when the cat had kittens up in the hay 
One was black and seven were grey 
Everybody said Freckles, he always got the blame 

by: José Duarte 
[email protected] 

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