Hillsong Live

To My Knees

Hillsong Live

ukulele Easy easy


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To My Knees


D - G - Bm A G 
D - G - Bm A G 

verse 1 
In the Saviour's love 
I find joy beyond compare 
         Bm          A   F#m  G 
Endless peace covers all of   me 
When You breathe within 
You turn winter into spring 
         Bm            A  F#m    G   A 
Grace dissolves every fear in   me 

D                   Em     Bm 
Your love brings me to my knees 
          A       G 
Brings me to my knees 
   D       A 
My King forever 
D               Em     Bm 
You are all my heart desires 
          A       G 
Until the end of time 
    D      A     (G) 
My soul surrendered 

D - G - Bm A G 

verse 2 
In my vacant heart 
Lord You came and made a home 
          Bm           A    F#m  G 
You bring light to the dark in   me 
When I lose my way 
I am beckoned into grace 
      Bm         A   F#m     G      A 
You alone are my e - very - thing 

Chorus 2x 

A                     Em           G 
All the earth sing of mercy never ending 
A                   Em              G   D 
I will worship with all that is within me 
A          Em          G   D 
Holy holy, Lord God almighty 
A                Em         G   D 
King of heaven, Your is the glory 

Chorus 2x 
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